10 MOST AMAZING MACHINES Subscribe to my channel to get to know all news! ►https://youtube.com/channel/UCO62AVOyfSy9gXyINfkgQKQsub_confirmation=1 ⚠ Don’t miss next videos: Press the little bell (()) to get notifications If you are the author of the materials or the copyright owner of it, but your authorship was not indicated or you object to its use, please contact me: [email protected] BERGEKRAN BKF 35 Liebherr, a manufacturer of mobile crane systems and chassis for military equipment, has developed a multifunctional military crane, which is currently being tested. www.www.empl.at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-l8l1nCnVjpr3ox72Vn1rA POWERHAND VRS 200 Traditional manual methods of cars recycling and the removing of high-value materials can be time consuming and expensive, in many cases making this process costly. www.powerhand.com ENGCON SWEEPER Engcon has developed a number of innovative attachments for a standard hydraulic excavator. www.engcon.com/en.html KURT SYSTEMS Kurt systems is a complex that helps in the preliminary preparation of young race horses for training. It trains young horses, in carefully controlled safe conditions, eliminating human error. www.kurtsystems.com J- DEITE RIDE Japanese engineers created a robot that turns into a car and is able to carry people. A 146-inch high robot can transform into a sports car in about a minute. TRUCK SURF HOTEL TRUCK SURF HOTEL is an incredible two-storey hotel on wheels. The main difference of this mobile home is, of course, in its dimensions. www.trucksurfhotel.com https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWL12QLs_2vbKADTE2Gbzyg PARS 6x6 CBRN The vehicle for chemical, biological and nuclear intelligence PARS 6 × 6 by the Turkish company FNSS is based on a 6 × 6 all-wheel drive platform. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG7qtNeSEXvGX2pLvO9pL1A www.fnss.com.tr/ KLASSEN RANGE ROVER The German company KLASSEN built a special armored limousine on the Range Rover platform. https://bit.ly/2IGn0QL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClMRp7I9jD-B4ohSR-hla-w PA 19001 PA 19001 is a universal machine for accessing the bridge, its inspection and repair, if necessary. www.palfinger.com/en https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAMSN6i7Ga5KtqZLOU_v5cA RUBBER REMOVAL The Runway Rubber Removal system is ideal for removing pavement markings, removing rubber from an airport runway, removing hardener on new concrete, renewing and cleaning pavement markings, preparing the surface for applying new markings, as well as for removing traces of tires, paints and fats. www.cycloneclean.com
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